Three rounds played at the European Women’s Chess Championship 2024

Three rounds have been played at the European Women’s Chess Championship 2024 in Rhodes, Greece. Only six players remained perfect scoring 3/3 points: IM Klaudia Kulon (POL, 2348), IM Mai Narva (EST, 2401), IM Marta Garcia Martin (ESP, 2349), WIM Natacha Benmesbah (FRA, 2306), WIM Martyna Wikar (POL, 2214) and IM Ulviyya Fataliyeva (AZE, 2377). Playing on the first board, IM Klaudia Kulon defeated the top-seeded IM Yuliia Osmak (UKR, 2459). Kulon opened with a Scotch game, and Osmak failed


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