A tribute to Leonard Barden, the king of chess writers | Letter

Steven Lorber on the Guardian’s chess correspondent, whose column has been running since September 1955As the world chess championship begins, I would like to pay tribute to your chess correspondent, Leonard Barden, who has written a weekly column for the Guardian since 1955 (and must be your longest-serving columnist). I have been reading this since the early 1960s. Even in his 90s, Mr Barden keeps up with the latest developments and writes fresh and lively columns. In the 60s, keen schoolboys wanting the latest on Petrosian’s or Spassky’s world championship attempts could pore over the moves in the Guardian, mostly on the day after each game. The latest world championship games will, of course, be broadcast live on the internet – and I look forward to reading Mr Barden’s commentary on them in the weeks ahead.Steven LorberLondon• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section. Continue reading…


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