Faustino Oro, aged 10 and known as ‘the Messi of chess’, advances again

Argentinian prodigy already has two international master norms and looks set to break more records while England’s pre-teen talents are also making eye-catching progressFaustino Oro, just 10 years old, is already known as “the Messi of chess”. The Argentinian boy burst on to the record books in 2023 when he became the youngest ever 2200-rated master level player at nine years, three months, followed by passing the 2300 mark just three months later.Oro’s surge is continuing apace. Last week, at the Continental American Championship at Medellin, Colombia, he secured the second of three norms needed for the International Master (IM) title by reaching the required total of 6.5/9. The event was 11 rounds, and Oro won his final two games to advance into a tie for second prize with 8.5/11. Continue reading…


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