Richest chess tour announced for 2025 as freestyle wins global appeal

Freestyle Chess (also known as Fischer Random and Chess 960) has announced a $1m tournament in each of five continentsFreestyle Chess, which made an impressive debut last month, has firmed up its plans to expand into five continents next year, as well as enlisting the top 25 elite grandmasters into a new club for its competing players. The variant, also known as Fischer Random and Chess 960, has the back rank pieces on both sides on random squares, with Black’s pieces placed equal-and-opposite to their White counterparts.German promoter Jan Buettner, who heads Freestyle along with the world No 1, Magnus Carlsen, and who made his fortune from AOL Europe, has launched the Freestyle Chess Grand Slam Tour, where the prize fund for each of the five events is projected to rise gradually to $1m. Continue reading…


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