Fast-rising Lu and Lee, both 14, could provide Fischer v Spassky-style rivalry

Lu Miaoyi jumped to the 2400 international master level at Reykjavik, while Alice Lee beat the US No 1 Irina Krush in St LouisIn November 2022 this column wrote that a then little-known 12-year-old Chinese girl, Lu Miaoyi, could join Judit Polgar and Hou Yifan among the top three women players in chess history: the world elite. It has taken a while, but the evidence is mounting.Lu’s mother, Xu Yuanyuan, was Chinese women’s champion in 2003 and a double world girls champion. Lu learned chess at three, got her first Fide rating at five, and was 2200, master level, at 10. At 12, she defeated Armenia’s No 3-ranked woman, Lilit Mkrtchian, in a brilliant 18-move sacrificial miniature. Continue reading…


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