A masterclass across the board | Brief letters

Classic chess game | Music memories | Kiwi confusion | Spider insider Leonard Barden’s description of the “match of the century” in 1972 (Chess: Fischer v Spassky revisited – Reykjavik Open echoes 1972 match, 15 March) is a masterclass in summarising an exciting sporting and political drama while also including enough chess detail to inspire players of all levels to explore these classic games. That Mr Barden has been writing such informative columns for the Guardian for 67 years is a truly incredible achievement. Andrew WallaceHove• It isn’t only for heavy metal that the Crown should be celebrated (Birmingham ‘birthplace of heavy metal’ the Crown secures listed status, 15 March). The folk club on Sunday evenings was where I met my wife, Sheila, in 1978. I was on the door, and my first words to her were “That will be 50 pence please”. She reckons she has more than recouped that since.John WrenchEsbjerg, Denmark Continue reading…


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